March 2019

Close-up of hands hugging a tree

Giving Back to the Giving Trees: How Sandy City Nurtures Its Forests

The United States Forest Service has found that cities all over the country are losing their urban forests. According to the study, America is losing 36 million trees per year. Sometimes this is due to natural occurrences, like storms or tornados. Sometimes it’s because of responsible and necessary expert tree removal. Fires, pests, and diseases

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Gardener holding a pot with plant

Eco-Landscaping: Nurturing Plant Life and Reducing Pollution

Green landscaping is a way for you to save time, money, and energy in the design and maintenance of your garden. A green landscape nurtures wildlife and limits pollution for the creation of a healthy recreational space. You can achieve this for your garden by employing green landscaping methods and using green landscaping supplies. Native

Eco-Landscaping: Nurturing Plant Life and Reducing Pollution Read More »

Solar panel on red roof

Environmentally Friendly Roofing Renovation Choices for Your Home

We don’t intend it all the time, but we make nature suffer as we advance in technology. The pollution, exploitation, as well as abuse, push our natural resources into near-depletion. There’s still hope as there’s still something that we can do to lessen these effects even in our own homes. Ecological options for designing structures

Environmentally Friendly Roofing Renovation Choices for Your Home Read More »

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