Sorry, Your Lawn Is Turning Brown for These Reasons

brown patch on a lawn

When your once healthy, lush lawn starts to turn brown and unsightly, you might start to wonder what on earth is going on. The way to revive the lawn to its glory days is by figuring out what might be killing the grass.

Well, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, you’ll learn some of the common culprits when your lawn starts dying.

1. Your lawn is thirsty

All lawns need water to stay healthy. If you notice that your grass is turning from a rich green color to a lighter shade, and if the blades of the grass start wilting, then you can know that your lawn is undergoing moisture stress.

Other signs include thinning of the grass canopy and the majority of your grass going dormant. The solution is to find a reliable expert in installing sprinkler systems in Sandy to help you out. Once watered, your lawn should revive.

2. Your lawn has a disease

Where the problem is not water, but the lawn still seems to die out, then chances are the grass plants have been attacked by fungi and disease. Telltale signs include grass that has black, brown and white coverings. Have a lawn specialist inspect the lawn and recommend the right way to tackle the problem.

The good news is that a lot of diseases that attack your lawn can be easily and affordably tackled. With proper lawn care, you can make sure the problem never recurs.

3. You’re mowing in the wrong way

Mowing the lawn may seem like a no brainer, but many people do it wrong and end up killing their lawns in the process. If you mow very close, then chances are the grass will start thinning out.

It might be that you are cutting the grass low, so you don’t have to mow your lawn as often, but all you end up accomplishing is to stunt the grass or plain old kill it. It’s best to cut the grass higher and have it survive instead.

4. You’re applying fertilizer incorrectly

fertilizer application

Could it be that you are killing your lawn with excessive love? Well, if you often apply fertilizer to your lawn without taking the time to read the directions, then chances are you are using the wrong quantities, and the consequences could be dire.

The same goes for pesticides and herbicides. Always read the label first to determine appropriate use and the right application rates. Where you are not sure what to do, it’s best to have a specialist help you out.

5. Your lawn is experiencing salt damage

Lawns that are adjacent to a sidewalk, street or driveway may often experience salt damage. You’ll notice that the grass starts to go brown. Your best course of action is to soak the lawn well so you can dilute the salinity. If the damage seems too severe, then consider reseeding the lawn.

A lawn that’s rapidly dying can lead to a lot of anxiety for any homeowner. If you can accurately pinpoint what is causing the problem, you stand a better chance at nursing your lawn back to health.

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