Nature & Gardening

woman gardening

Taking Care of Your Garden: Best Practices

Your garden is a reflection of you. It is an extension of your home, and just like any part of your property, it requires regular upkeep to maintain its appeal. However, a garden is also subject to the whims of nature — pests, disease, weather — which can make keeping it looking its best challenging.

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woman taking care of her indoor plants

How to Ensure That Your Plants Stay Healthy Indoors

Studies show that having plants at home can boost your mood, lower stress levels, and even improve your productivity. And, as a bonus, they help purify the air. But keeping indoor plants healthy can be a bit of a challenge. If you’re new to plant parenthood, you might wonder how to keep your plants healthy

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woman taking care of her plants

How to Give Your Plants the Tender Loving Care They Deserve

Gardening is a hobby that has many benefits. It can be relaxing, therapeutic, and a great way to get some exercise. But it’s not always easy to start, especially if you don’t have a green thumb. When it comes to taking care of your plants, there’s a lot of information on how to do it

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A gardener tending to plants during the summer

Five Ways to Grow Your Plants During The Summer

The summer heat is picking up this year. The country experienced some of its hottest nights in July, and it’s expected to continue in the coming months. People can survive the heat, but their plants might not. Plants are susceptible to the same heat as people and can even get sunburned. This is because the leaves

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10 Tips for Protecting Your Garden From the Summer Heat

As the temperatures continue to rise, it becomes increasingly important to take steps to protect your garden from the heat. If you don’t, you could lose all of your hard work and end up with a scorched yard. Here are ten tips for protecting your garden from the summer heat. 1. Water Your Plants in

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How to Make Your Garden Energy Efficient?

Is your garden feeling the heat this summer? Many homeowners are looking for ways to make their gardens more energy efficient and reduce their energy bills. Luckily, there are many simple and affordable steps to make your garden more sustainable. This blog post will explore five easy ways to make your garden more energy efficient.

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Easy Tips to Add Life to Your Garden

Like most people, you probably think of gardening as a lot of hard work. It can be labor-intensive, but it doesn’t always have to be. You can use many easy ways to make your garden more exciting and fun. And you will also be making your home look more beautiful. Here are a few tips:

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business sustainability

Reducing Your Business’ Environmental Impact

Every business can play a role in reducing its environmental impact, and it’s easier than you might think. In this article, we’ll explore some simple ways that your company can lessen its emissions and waste production. We’ll also discuss the benefits of going green, from lowered energy costs to increased employee productivity. So read on

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woman doing some gardening

The Hidden Cons of Gardening (and Ways You Can Manage Them)

More people are into gardening because it is a fun and rewarding activity that allows them to get closer to nature. It is also a great way to get exercise, save money on groceries, and reduce stress. Another reason gardening makes sense is they get to create a relaxing space that they can enjoy while

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Turn Your Garden Shed Into A Simple Rustic Home With These Tips

In recent years, the term “cottagecore aesthetic” was all the rage. Young people everywhere started dressing in long and romantic prairie dresses, filling their apartments with indoor plants, and romanticizing a life outside of the city. City living has lost its charm. Instead, they want a slow and quiet life in a rural town. They

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