Lawn Renovation: What You Need to Know

lawn design

A well-maintained lawn is just as important as a home’s exterior design. If you want to increase the value of your property, you also need to make sure the lawn gets the same care and attention you give to your home. Even a small bald patch in your yard can seriously dent the curb appeal of your house.

Before you begin the landscaping improvement project, here are some things you need to consider:

The Weather

The weather in Utah can be extreme at times, which plays a huge factor when it comes to lawn maintenance. Each season, you might need to make a few adjustments to your routine to make sure that the grass or plants in your garden are in lush, tip-top condition. For example, during colder weather, you might want to cut back on watering the lawn. Meanwhile, summer is usually the best season for reseeding.

Sprinklers and watering systems

A broken sprinkler system is that last thing any lawn owner needs. Apart from increased utilities cost because of water leaking, water could be flooding your lawn already without you knowing it. Sprinkler repair specialists in Sandy, Utah recommend checking the system often to make sure there are no leaks or damages to your sprinkler. A brief but regular inspection can go far in keeping your lawn look good and healthy as well as reducing your home expenses.


Apart from making sure the watering system is working the way it should, you also need to check your lawn’s drainage system. Blocked drainage can make growing grass or plants extra tricky. Look if you have to re-route the drainage path or install better pipes. It also helps to check what drainage system works best for your lawn.

Thinning spots

mowing grass

Sometimes, you don’t need to do a complete lawn redo to make your yard look good. Before you estimate the renovation costs, check the areas that need renovation. If there are more healthy spots than bald patches, then you only need to concentrate on the latter. But if there are more thinning spots than healthy ones, a complete redo might be the better option.

Herbicides and weed control

When it comes to complete renovation, you also need to consider how to kill the existing turf and weeds. Some homeowners use herbicide to remove the grass and weeds. Be sure to be extra careful when handling chemicals. Better yet, get an experienced professional who can do the job for you.

Alternatively, you can dig out the entire soil and solarise it. Soil solarisation is an environmentally friendly technique of using high temperatures to control soil-borne pests. It might be more labor-intensive, but it’s better for those who are cautious about using chemicals. Ultimately, it’s always better to consult professionals who know best how to handle pests and eliminate them from your lawn.

A well-manicured lawn can improve the visual appeal of your property. It only makes sense to keep it in top condition and renovate or repair as much as you can. Fortunately, it’s not such an impossible task nowadays, and with a bit of planning, you can make yours look lush and beautiful.

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