Why Have a Vegetable Garden at Home

freshly picked vegetables

They say it’s difficult to keep your garden glowing and green when you’re living in Perth. Admittedly, there is a sense of truth in the statement, considering the soil is mostly sand-based, and the weather is hot and dry in the summers. Like in other parts of the world, the secret lies in finding the right plants that can endure and thrive in the said setting.

Half of the battle is in the choice of plants. Many landscape architects and gardeners have found interest in choosing native plants because of the drought-resistant qualities of these floras. If you grow plants that are natural to the setting, in generally healthy soil, there’s a huge chance the plants will survive.

The other half is maintenance. You need tools and extra care to make sure that your plants are still alive and blooming. Always have a contact ready for reticulation repairs in Perth in case your plant’s source of hydration breaks apart. It’s also important to see how much water they need and how often it must be given. Knowing your plants is similar to knowing your kids—you must recognise the different levels of attention that each one requires, the dos and don’ts in handling them so they can be in their most beautiful and healthiest forms.

However, people are going back to the most basic purpose of home gardening—to have a source of produce. The role of a backyard garden is not purely meant for aesthetic reasons anymore. People are becoming more mindful about what they put in their bodies, thus the need for organic produce. They are also craving for a relaxing hobby that can give them the chance to slow down.


If you find peace by keeping your hands dirty, you’ll find vegetable gardening to be as satisfying and therapeutic. Working in green spaces can help reduce anxiety, depression, and stress by letting your mind rest. It’s not surprising that the mere vision of nature helps the mind recover. Nature is easy to digest mentally. It disrupts the continuous thoughts that trigger unwanted emotions.

The positive effect of gardening is also visible in the body. According to Barbara Kreski, director of horticultural therapy services at Chicago Botanic Garden, the more physical exertion there is, the greater the benefits. Like any other forms of physical exercises, it can lower the risk of diseases and increase the body’s functionality. Activities such as raking and digging can help promote higher bone density. In essence, gardening can be a fitness activity for losing weight, improving mental health, and promoting a healthy lifestyle. It targets your holistic wellness.

Even if you cannot acquire all the vegetables you need in your backyard garden, it’s still fulfilling to be using what you planted in the dishes you serve. It keeps you connected to the food you eat. Like most backyard gardens, starting with leafy vegetables and herbs is the easiest route. Think of the vegetables you use frequently and include them in your project. Take, for instance, basil leaves that can be used in pasta sauces and mint leaves to add that hint of freshness in every beverage.

Similarly, salad greens can motivate you to eat healthily. You don’t need to have a daily run to the grocery to ensure that what you’re eating is the freshest. It’s a win-win situation.

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