Understanding Tree Transplanting and Its Benefits

Man preparing tree transplant

There is a variety of reasons a tree should be moved from its place: it’s starting to attract insects that destroy the property, the root system is getting too big to manage, or the growth is limiting the resources that other plants in the vicinity need. In most cases, people would suggest cutting it down as a more economical choice, but there are also good financial reasons to just transplant it.

Experienced tree surgeons in Guildford, for example, will generally suggest a variety of ways to keep a tree’s growth in check before getting it removed. However, if push comes to shove and it seems like there’s no way to deal with the tree anymore, it’s time to move it and take it somewhere else.

But why should you do this and not just cut the tree?

Trees add value to a property

For plenty of aesthetic and economic reasons, trees are often much-desired additions to any property. Some industries such as landscaping, focus many of their designs around the presence of a tree and often have the resources to uproot and replant a tree that is no longer needed.

Trees can provide shade, decoration, and depending on the type, can yield fruits for anyone who owns them. For this reason, it’s a good idea to check if there are any properties in the area that are willing to take an uprooted tree to plant it in their yard. It makes for a good investment in the property, and even a reasonable financial return on the rates of getting it uprooted, to begin with.

It’s environmentally friendly

trees lining up a jogging path

One of the most obvious reasons you should uproot trees is because urban spaces need greenery. There’s a reason so many public spaces encourage plant growth since they provide benefits such as cleaner air and cooler climates during the summer. Cutting down a tree will do more than just taking away shade; you can also subtly change your local ecosystem by doing so.

This can be even more important if you have a tree that happens to be a preferential home for wildlife in your area. There are often animals that still live in or near urban areas that rely on these trees for shelter, and cutting them down can often have irreversible effects on your local fauna down the line.

Seasonal changes can make trees more valuable

Another important reason transplanting a tree is a good option is if your tree is something that you actively attach value to, either as an investment or something sentimental. In which case, cutting it down will only serve to either diminish or take away its value entirely, which doesn’t make it an attractive solution.

Sometimes, the straightforward solution isn’t something that’s necessarily the best for nature. While we do have ownership over things inside our property, including the trees that live inside it, it’s rather irresponsible for us to throw them away when they’re no longer needed. It’s a much better choice for ourselves and the environment if we make the choice to transplant instead of cut.

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